The GPW Difference
GPW manages a diverse base of programs and works with more manufacturers and administrators than any other management firm in the industry.
This allows GPW to provide premier independent services focused on the reinsurance companies’ needs and goals. GPW is widely recognized as the industry leader in reinsurance program and product development.
GPW consults with the IRS and trade organizations on developing issues that directly impact the industry.
New Company
GPW provides comprehensive formation services for both onshore and offshore insurance and reinsurance companies. Services include domicile selection, business plan development, and drafting of Articles and Bylaws. GPW can also analyze and evaluate available reinsurance programs, review treaties, and assist with negotiation of reinsurance arrangements.
Management Services
GPW provides turn-key financial, tax, and compliance management services. Services include general bookkeeping, financial statement and tax return preparation, domicile filings, and maintenance of corporate records.
of F&I Reinsurance
F&I Reinsurance offers participants the ability to share in the potential underwriting profits and investment income generated by the underlying products. Discover the unique advantages a F&I reinsurance program can offer.